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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Delhi Belly (2011)

Watching Delhi Belly is like smelling aftershave lotion. The first time you do, you like it but then it evaporates. That’s how volatile Delhi Belly is; its effect wears off in no time. Every joke works because of its inherently unpredictable nature and that is precisely why the film doesn't warrant a second viewing. You remember scenes from the film much more than the film itself. It has all the ingredients of a no-brainer - bare characterization, average acting and silly gags. Serving no purpose other than popcorn escapism, Delhi Belly is entertainment served on a silver platter. Just be sure to leave your brains behind.

Rating - 6/10


  1. Wow, i'm not sure I would enjoy this one too much, but I may give it a go if it ever comes on TV. Nice work!

  2. 6/10?? you should really rate it relative to other bollywood movies unless 6 is the max rating you give to bollywood movies. and no points for concept and cinematography??

  3. I'm rating it for what it is. Doesn't matter where it comes from. Concept and cinematography? Lol, No.

  4. Good review. I'm of the same opinion.

  5. Way too harsh a review. I would accept linkage to Guy Ritchie's style of movies and a deeper look at what was wrong in the script, but this review seems too quick "stay away" type. Especially considering how many few movies of Bollywood make it beyond the 4/10 mark.

  6. Weird looking movie. Never heard of it. But, it looks like one of those "watch only once" movies. I just followed your blog, after reading your review of "The Notebook" you put on IMDB message Boards. Would you mind following mine? thanks!

  7. U IDIOT - Ur the Biggest Fool i've seen - I read ur reviews on and u seem to be a hater - a pretentious, wannabe who just thinks its cool to bash movies w a so called artistic view point? Go back to ur cave u troll - Sai

  8. and NO I am not talkin abt this review - jst wanted a way to let u knw tht ur jst an idiot - Prev comment FYI


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